by Andres E. Padron


We travel not to find ourselves, but to remember who we have been all along. There is also some truth in the “Good Vibrations” lyrics from both the Beach Boys and Marky Mark. However, it’s a popular orange soft drink commercial from the 1980s that pops into my mind as I try to summarize seven perfect days in Cambutal.

After an all-night flight to Panama City and all-day drive, the small village looked closer and closer on Google Maps. However, the closer we got, the slower the car lumbered. Lumbered is the only way to describe the suspension of the rental car on the potholes caused by massive amounts of recent rain in this area. I couldn’t help but dream of how my lifted Jeep with 35-inch wheels would conquer the cavernous ruts. Potholes aside, we patiently waited to see the ocean and, as soon as it was in sight, the good vibrations materialized.

Cambutal is a sweet little village with world-class surfing and hotels. There is no pretension, nothing ostentatious, and a very relaxed vibe. As we pulled into the village to look for our Airbnb, people waved and smiled while sun-drenched surfers appeared every few minutes for sustenance at the Local Market or Kambute Café. It was a feeling of instantaneous bienvenidos and relaxation. Within minutes of pulling up to our accommodations at La Finca and passing the CAMBUTAL IS LIFE mural, we succumbed to relaxation.

The first day consisted of surfing and lunch of whole fish and yucca fries. Cold cervezas all around and huge smiles from my family members (even those who may not be legal to drink in the US) enjoying the freedom to not worry about their age for a week. None of us had surfing experience, and thanks to our amazing, relaxed yet firm instructor Kenny, we all stood up within two hours of hitting the beach. As a yoga student, I quickly learned that you are not attempting warrior two whatsoever and you will terminate any hope of standing if your feet aren’t positioned correctly. After my feet finally cooperated and I understood how to control the board, the dormant part of my brain took over and kept me upright. Before we knew it, Kenny was following us with a GoPro, and later that night, the video clips appeared in WhatsApp. The laughter was infectious, and the memories even more precious.

Day two was a fishing trip in inclement weather that had the family remembering that the Dramamine was still on the counter at home. While there was no tuna for dinner that night, the dolphin show was definitely worth it.

As the days started to blend together and relaxation took over, Cambutal (and us, the folks from Colorado) became more familiar. We went back to the Beach Restaurant (we became regulars) for the best local burger, which owner Felix proudly bragged was from the organic farm his family owns in the area. The local rodeo (this happens a few times a year) brought visitors and locals from several other towns; the la fonda (typical yummy Panamanian food) and, of course, cold cervezas were plentiful. Our gracious host, Andres, pointed out business owners and introduced us to locals, once visitors, who decided to make the area home.

On the beach, we met Americans who made Cambutal their home years ago, raised their families and built La Coletiva, the co-working, community, and wellness space. I attended a packed yoga class with Loren and a Mastermind session with Alicia that changed my perspective on my new business. I came away with a feeling of fellowship in just a few short hours of visiting the space. It truly was a magical experience.

The day before the obligatory drive back to Panama City, we walked to the east of Cambutal to caves on the beach called Las Ventanas. It must be low tide to visit, and there are several large rock outcroppings to scale. While the beaches are not crowded, it is possible to find your own private beach the farther you meander. We found the cave (with several winged inhabitants) and continued around a point with massive rocks littering a beach. We came upon an iguana trail in the sand from an area of small rocks to a larger one approximately eight feet high and fifteen feet wide. Instead of going around, it was clear the iguana scaled the rock as the trail continued on the other side. It was easy to see that this could be a lesson in tackling the difficulties life places in front of you, like a several mile trek down a beach!

I sit here from my home in the mountains of Colorado and am pining for Cambutal. CAMBUTAL IS LIFE greeted us in our first five minutes, and I have no doubt most people live by it. If the iguana can tackle that rock, I can tackle any challenge. Controlling the surf board temporarily freed my mind from reality and gave me the space to regroup until our next visit. Excuse me, my beloved mountains, the surf is calling and I must go.

If you’re yearning for a destination that combines breathtaking scenery, warm hospitality, and a sense of community, Cambutal should be on your list. Pack your bags, embrace the journey, and let the good vibrations find you.

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